1800's tech today
You're unique, show it with a one of a kind alternative to digital photos!
Tintypes were utilized in the mid 1800's to capture everything from family photos to soldiers of the American Civil War. This method of photography is known for its imperfections and unique character. The process involves sensitizing a large metal plate (hence the name tintype) with silvers which will create an image on the plate once developed in a darkroom. This practice eventually become obsolete with the introduction of film in the early 1900's. Because each plate is hand poured and developed there are never two photos that look alike even of the same subject.
I put painstaking efforts into learning the process and conserving this amazing historical process so I can keep a little piece of history alive and share it with others. My goal is to document people's stories today with this incredible but mostly forgotten technology.
Current pricing (In-Studio):
4x5 inches - $240 for one, $300 for 2, $360 for 3 (+60 after the first).
8x10 inches - $280 for one, $360 for 2, $440 for 3 (+80 after the first).
On location and outdoor sessions are priced by on complexity, travel distance, and other factors. Please contact me directly at the button below for accurate pricing.
A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve to book a session.
I book sessions by appointment only. Please contact me directly to set up a private session. I often get booked out several weeks to a month out, but if you have an immediate need please state this in your email inquiry and I will do my best to accommodate if I can.
How to book a session:
Follow this link to my contact form and I will reach out as soon as I am able.
Studio Location: 1101 1/2 S. Washington, Lansing, MI 48910
Steven Glynn by Nolis Anderson
Sample Tintype